A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

190 letters found

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Results 21-30:

To Ferris GreensletJuly 30, [1921], from TorontoHarvard 

Hopes there will be copies of her books available when she lectures in Chicago, Omaha, and Lincoln in September. Has he seen the current Nation?   W. S. C.   [Stout #548]

To Carl Van DorenJuly 30, [1921], from TorontoPrinceton 

Has been noticing his writing on authors in their own styles, and likes what he did with her. Believes her new novel will be her best yet, but he will still probably think it formless. He can return her copy of The Troll Garden when she gets back to New York.   Willa Cather   [Stout #549]

To Ferris GreensletAug. 26, [1921], from TorontoHarvard 

Will lecture in Omaha October 29. Has cancelled Chicago lecture. "Claude" won't be out until this time next year.   W. S. C.   [Stout #550]

To Ferris GreensletOct. 10, [1921]Harvard 

Please don't send any more mail to Hambourgs' address in Toronto. They have closed the house and are moving to Paris.   Willa Cather   [Stout #556]

To Blanche KnopfJuly 28, [1922], from Bread Loaf InnHRC 

Thanks for the check. Will go to Grand Manan by way of Montreal next week.   Willa Cather   [Stout #610]

To Miss Bates,  n.d. [Aug. 1922?] , from Grand MananColumbia 

Thanks for looking up quotation. Hopes she will like My Ántonia. P.S.: People at Bread Loaf were very friendly.  Willa Cather   [Stout #612]

To Mr. RuggAug. 10, [1922], from Grand MananDartmouth 

Sorry to be so slow to reply, but mail has been displaced since returning from Bread Loaf. Sent his copy of Youth and the Bright Medusa before she left Vermont, though. No, seldom gives lectures.   Willa Cather   [Stout #613]

To Carrie Miner SherwoodSept. 1, [1922], from Grand MananWCPM 

Very touched by her letter about "Claude." Used to fear that her own people would never care about her writing. Claude and his mother are her tribute to Nebraska. Is sending her letter to Isabelle.   Willa   [Stout #614]

To Dorothy Canfield Fisher,  n.d. [c. Sept. 1, 1922] , from Grand MananUVt 

Enjoyed her three weeks at Bread Loaf except for possible attack of appendicitis, but is tired and glad to get to Grand Manan. Has written a longish short story [perhaps "Uncle Valentine"]. May have to have an appendectomy soon. Must get to Nebraska in late fall.   Willa   [Stout #615]

To Ferris GreensletSept. 1, [1922], from Grand MananHarvard 

Many thanks for his letter about One of Ours and corrections in the text, which will be made in the third printing. Has finished her preface for Alexander's Bridge. Is feeling quite well and has finished a long short story she thought had faltered.   W. S. C.   [Stout #616]

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